EC Stevens - Pond Hill Open House
ECStevens September 28th 6pm
Pond Hill September 14th 6pm
Ice Cream Social
Welcome to the ECS and PH school community!
Join the PTO in kicking off the new year and enjoy some ice cream! Come meet classmates, parents, staff and teachers. Ice cream is FREE for all ECS and PH students. Additional ice creams may be purchased for $2.00 each.
(Come to the PTO table to get your free ticket or to purchase a ticket. The ice cream truck does not take cash.)
Come join the fun! See you there!
Date: Friday, September 8th
Time: 6:00-7:30pm
Where: EC Stevens Playground
Spanish Cultural Night at
Lyman Hall
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Elementary Spanish Program presents… Spanish Cultural Night Monday,
November (CHECK BACK FOR EXACT DATE AND TIME) Lyman Hall High School Back parking lot entrance
Spanish-Speaking Countries Showcase!
Food ★ Dance ★ Music ★ Interactive Games Passport Stamps ★ Cultural Facts
Mariachi Band & Dancers perform from the Spanish Community of Wallingford For more information about the event or how you can help, please contact Sara Fallahi at
PTO Sponsored Variety Show
Dancing, singing, comedy…the Variety Show has it all! Get all the details by clicking the Variety Show Notice link below! The form to register your child’s act is there too! These forms are due Wednesday Dec 22nd. Don’t delay – click the link below to download a form!
Rehearsal Date: Jan 31st
Variety Show: Feb 2nd
Time: 6:30pm
Spring Fling
2nd Annual Spring Fling Dance!
Date: April 28
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Lyman Hall
All ECS and PH students are invited to bring a special adult guest for a night of fun!
Music * Photobooth * Dancing * Friends * Refreshments * Snacks * Raffle Prizes
3rd Annual Spring Fling Dance!
Date: March 22
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Pond Hill Gym
All ECS and PH students are invited to bring a special adult guest for a night of fun! This is NOT a drop off event.
Music * Photoprops * Dancing * Friends * Refreshments * Snacks * Raffle Prizes
Trunk or Treat
ECStevens and Pond Hill PTO Invites you to our 5th Annual Trunk or Treat!
Date: October 20th 6pm-8pm **5:30pm-6:00pm Cars Arrive (Parking will be assigned)
Rain Date: October 27th
Location: E.C. Stevens Parking Lot
Trunk or Treat is a FREE safe environment for our kids to "trick or treat" with their friends. Cars will line up in the school parking lot with decorated trunks or tailgates full of goodies. Children will go trunk to trunk in their Halloween costumes to collect their treats.
Help us make this a great and memorable event for our kids...
Decorate your car (ALL DECORATIONS NEED TO BE TAKEN HOME AFTER THE EVENT) and bring lots of treats to hand out!
**Please no HOMEMADE treats and Please have some Peanut and Tree Nut free options**
Get creative!! We will be having a contest for the "Best Decorated Car"
If you are not decorating a car PLEASE consider donating treats to help out cars that will be handing out treats.
YMCA Drop off Night
WHERE: YMCA East – 81 Elm Street
TIME: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
WHO: E.C. Stevens and Pond Hill Students
The night will consist of school friends coming together to enjoy organized stationed activities run by the YMCA staff. Light refreshments will be provided for the kids by the PTO. The YMCA is able to accommodate the first 150 students who send in their registration form and fee. SIBLINGS WELCOME! We can accommodate siblings in 6th and 7th grade and our PreK students ages 4 and up. Just send in a form with your ECS or PH child. To help cover the cost of the facility & staff, we are asking for: $5.00 per child Please have your child return the attached form and money to their teacher by Monday Jan 22nd.
This is a chance for parents to have dinner out, get some early holiday shopping done, or just have a few hours to relax!! Feel free to contact with any questions.
Let the PTO help you with your holiday shopping!
Our PTO is sponsoring a gift card program through
You pay the face value for gift cards to 100’s of retailers.
They are great for holiday gifts and everyday shopping.
Use them at the attached participating retailers and when shopping online.
It’s easy to order. Just fill out the attached checklist. Send checks payable to ECS/ Pond Hill PTO or cash with your order.
The joint PTO gets the % listed next to the retailer and you get the full value of the gift card. The $ earned goes back to the students for activities and programs
Orders are due in school by (DATE TO BE DETERMINED). Please send your order in an envelope marked “PTO GIFT CARDS”. Pickup will be at Pond Hill school on (DATE TO BE DETERMINED), or by making arrangements with Jenn Criscuolo at (or text at 203-410-9505)
Please make sure your student/teacher and contact info is included in case we have any questions about your order.
The top seller from each school will receive a $25.00 giftcard
Gift Card Fundraiser
Barnes & Noble Gift Wrapping Fudraiser
The PTO will be joining in the holiday spirit by helping gift wrap at the Barnes & Noble in North Haven on Saturday December 9th from 9-4. We are looking for volunteers to help wrap gifts and smiling kids to greet customers. Please use the below link to volunteer. (link coming soon)

Day At Dunkin' Donuts Park Hartford Yard Goats
WHERE: Dunkin' Donuts Park
WHEN: Sunday May 20TH
GAME TIME: 1:05 pm
GATE OPENS: 11:30 am
TICKETS: $13.00
WHO: E.C. Stevens and Pond Hill Students and Families
Spend an afternoon at the ballpark with friends and family from E.C Stevens & Pond Hill.
Families from E.C. Stevens & Pond Hill schools will hold the Big Flag on field during the National Anthem!
Parking is an additional $5 fee to be paid day of the game.
Please click on the button below to download your participation flyer. Once completed, return your form to the school with cash or check payable to E.C. Stevens & Pond Hill PTO. Please note "YARD GOATS TICKETS" on the envelope.
For any questions please contact Jessica Santore at
Jump Rope for Heart at Choate
EC Stevens and Pond Hill will once again be hosting Jump Rope for Heart. This event is a fun and active night for the students with fundraising to benefit the American Heart Association. Fundraising forms will be sent home in February and the event will be held in March 9th 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Choate Athletic Center.
To help make this event a success, we are looking for volunteers to help out during the event and asking for healthy snack donations.
Please sign up using the Volunteer Link Button
Lyman Orchards Pie & Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Field Day
Field Day is one of the oldest and most beloved traditions. It is a special day when all the students, from Pre-K through 5th grade, gather out doors for grade level fun.
Pond Hill Date: TBD
E.C.Stevens Date: TBD
Order your T-shirts using the flyer on the link below.
Volunteer Link coming soon!
Both Lyman Orchards Pies and Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough come frozen and are great for upcoming holidays!
Beginning Date: October 2nd
Orders due: October 16th
Pick up: November 2nd at Pond Hill
Slider's Night
Don't miss Sliders Night! Take the night off from cooking, all while supporting your PTO!
10% of all proceeds will benefit our children!
Wednesday March 13th between 5:00pm and 9:00pm at Sliders.
Tell your friends and family!
Jump Rope For Heart
EC Stevens and Pond Hill will once again be hosting Jump Rope for Heart. This event is a fun and active night for the students with fundraising to benefit the American Heart Association. Fundraising forms will be sent home in February and the event will be held in March 9th 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Choate Athletic Center.
To help make this event a success, we are looking for volunteers to help out during the event and asking for healthy snack donations.
Please sign up using the Volunteer Link Button (Link Coming Soon)
Mothers Day Plant Sale
Pond Hill Date: May 6th - 7th
E.C.Stevens Date: May 9th-10th
Sales will take place at Pond Hill during the day on Monday and Tuesday. Plants will then be moved to EC Stevens students to purchase during the day Thursday and Friday.
Please send your child to school with a bag and a small box, such as a shoe box, so it is easier for them to carry their purchases.
Volunteers are needed. If you haven't had a chance to sign up, please use the link below.
WHERE: Dunkin' Donuts Park
WHEN: Sunday May 19TH
GAME TIME: 1:05 pm
GATE OPENS: 11:30 am
TICKETS: $13.00
WHO: E.C. Stevens and Pond Hill Students and Families
Spend an afternoon at the ballpark with friends and family from E.C Stevens & Pond Hill.
Families from E.C. Stevens & Pond Hill schools will hold the Big Flag on field during the National Anthem!
Parking is an additional $5 fee to be paid day of the game.
Please click on the button below to download your participation flyer. Once completed, return your form to the school with cash or check payable to E.C. Stevens & Pond Hill PTO. Please note "YARD GOATS TICKETS" on the envelope.
For any questions please contact Jessica Santore at
Field Day is one of the oldest and most beloved traditions. It is a special day when all the students, from Pre-K through 5th grade, gather out doors for grade level fun.
Pond Hill Date: June 6th
E.C.Stevens Date: May 24th
Order your T-shirts using the flyer on the link below.
Day At Dunkin' Donuts Park Hartford Yard Goats
Spring Book Fair
Date: Friday May 3rd
Have fun on this "Fun Friday" favorite! Support your PTO and send in a $1 to join in! See who has the wackiest craziest hair!
Crazy Hair Day
Dancing, singing, comedy…the Variety Show has it all! Get all the details by clicking the Variety Show Notice link coming soon!
Rehearsal Date: May 2nd
Variety Show: May 3rd
Time: 6:00pm
Variety Show
Going to the yard Goats game? Order your cap and show your school pride.
Orders must be in by MAY 4TH in order to receive for May 19th Yardgoats game.
Hats will be distributed at ticket pick up.
Email with any questions.
Spirit Wear Baseball Caps